Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Faith and Light and Growth

This week, I attended a gathering with the co- founder of Faith and Light, Marie-Hélène Mathieu.  She and Jean Vanier founded this international organization to support people to start their own prayer communities with people with disabilities at the center of the community.  These groups meet once a month for prayer, faith sharing, and celebration.  Faith and Light is open to all Christian denominations and currently has 1500 communities in 80 countries.   

Above: Lourdes, France.
Faith and Light was founded after 4,000 persons with disabilities
with their family and friends attended a pilgrimage to Lourdes
during Easter, 1971. For more about the history visit 
Faith and Light fosters spiritual growth in the lives of its members.  Marie-Hélène told a story of a young boy who attended Faith and Light.  His mother was preparing the food to take to the first meeting and he saw this and was excited to go to the meeting so that he could eat the food at the picnic after.  For the first several months, when it was time to go to the meeting, he would only say one word, “Picnic!” After they had been attending for a while, he started to make friends and connect with the community at the gatherings.  When his mother asked him if he was ready to go to the meeting, he would only say one word, but this time it was, “Friends!” After more time had passed and he started to learn about God and grow in his own spirituality, he would only say one word when it was time to go, but this time he said, “Jesus!”  

A candle with the inscription "Jezu Ufam Tobie", meaning
"Jesus I Trust in You", in Polish. Across the globe, Faith and Light
communities cover 38 different languages.
Marie-Hélène shared this story to convey the message that the people with disabilities who come to Faith and Light are nurtured spiritually and that it helps them to grow in their relationship with God and others.   People with intellectual disabilities have their own gifts to offer and they serve God and the community each in their own unique way.  People without disabilities are encouraged to be members of this community as well so that they can become friends with and learn from those with disabilities.

Occupational therapists help their clients grow in their daily life skills.  Perhaps when we think about addressing spirituality in practice we can consider ways to help our clients grow spiritually.  One way is to know about different opportunities that are offered to help facilitate this growth such as Faith and Light.  When I was at the gathering, a lady who is involved in Faith and Light said that they are always looking for people to come and participate and to help with small things such as transportation. I am excited to get involved with a Faith and Light community after I graduate in order to learn, support others, and to be supported in my faith.  If you are interested in learning more and to find a community near you, please visit